
I don't know how/why you have found yourself here, but while you're about, check out my musing on life. Warning, I will not be held accountable if you suddenly find yourself hating the world.


Sunday 23 January 2011

Procrastination II (Is this it?)

So here I am again, spilling my strange mind onto the internet for the amusement of others. The theme of this blog is currently unknown, but I have The Strokes on, hence the title.
It's been a strange week,  exams and revision have eaten into my life and  don't seem to have taken their fill yet. There have been highs and lows, smashing the granny out of the MatLab exam was definitely a high, and failing  at a chest session in the gym springs to mind as a low...
Got asked to define success the other day. It's a strange question that I'm sure you could get hundreds of different answers about. It totally depends  how you define success. The on-line dictionary seems to have all the bases covered:

the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts orendeavors.
the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
a successful performance or achievement: The play was aninstant success.
a person or thing that is successful: She was a greatsuccess on the talk show.

The second definition is what most people would have thought when it comes to success. But if you are talking about a successful life, then I would rephrase the question to say " Are you happy with what you have achieved in your life?"

To me its not money, or fame. They would enrich your life, but I would hope they would not define it. The famous people that I admire are people who have worked hard and are talented at what they push for. People like Lance Armstrong. His immense personal struggles and the achievements that he has worked for with the help of his friends and family are a huge inspirational story to anyone.
You can say what you like about Eminem too, but he is amazing. One of, if not the best rapper alive.

To be honest, I would be happy if I got my degree and started working in the industry within the next 4 years.
That would show me that I can achieve what I set my mind too, and that hard work can pay off.

But to do that, I have to cut this blog here, and get back to revision.
One love

Sunday 16 January 2011

Procrastination (The Christmas Holidays).

Well, I guess I should write something here. I'm not quite sure why I am doing this, it's not going to amount to anything, or influence anyone. Revision is causing my brain to clog up with strange things, so I have decided to write these small blogs (if you could even class them as that).

It seems that many people that write blogs have something in mind when they begin, or are under the impression that their time is better served complaining about things in blog posts that going out and actively contributing to society.

I would like to think that mine with be neither of the above, as they will just be discussing current events in my highly uneventful life, and will just be a way to pass the time around Uni work.

I got back to Bath a few days ago to crack on with revision for the first semester exams. I don't understand peoples obsession with Christmas. For me its just about getting everyone together and eating vast amounts of food. I was gonna have a rant about people spending far to much on presents, but to those of you that know me, it would seem ironic as I spend far to much money on clothing.

I don't know if its just for me, but the main question I get asked when I go home by friends and family is "What are you going to do with/after your degree?" But to me it seems like one of the simplest questions to answer..."Get a job." Hopefully something to do with what I will have spent four years of my life studying.

I had so many things I wanted to do, and people I wanted to see this Christmas holiday, but the weather had other plans. To be honest, this was probably for the best, meant that I got my head down and did some work. But on the flip side, when I did go out and about, I met new people. Always an interesting experience for me, seeing how people change around others and why that is.

Anyway, I better get back to Differentiation Applications...
If there are no more blogs, I have rammed a biro into my eye.
