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Thursday 17 February 2011


Word of the day, means:  complicated and embarrassing state of things.
I feel this pretty much sums up how I feel at the minute.
This week contained the most depressing day of the year, Valentines day...
I don't understand the need for a day to express your love for someone. Surely if you are in a relationship, you do that most days. And if you're not, then one day out of the year isn't going to save you. The gym was offering a Valentine's day treat, to bring your "loved one" along for the day. I could think of nothing worse than a girl that I liked/loved seeing me in the state I get into at the gym. Fair enough you want to spend some time together, but surely not that much. Couples kissing in the pool, taking up lanes that other people are trying to use. I will admit, the only thing that cheered me up was reliving Jaws in my mind. 

Went to the NME music tour in Bristol. I had heard good things about Magnetic Man and Crystal Castles live, and they did not disappoint. The line up was as follows:

  • The Vaccines
  • Everything Everything
  • Magnetic Man
  • Crystal Castles
Things where pretty tame until Magnetic Man came on. Then the lights dropped, the bass kicked in, and the room exploded with noise and movement. I have to say, one of the best live bands I have seen in a while, and considering that the music comes from three guys standing behind laptops, it was a really interment gig. But no matter how good Magnetic Man's performance was, they got outshone by Crystal Castles. Even though less than a month ago she broke her ankle, she was as lively as ever. 

I was surprised with the age range that attended the gig. Saw young kids, can't have been  more than 16, dubbing it out along side older guys, probably closer to 40. It was amazing to watch and be part of. 
The fact that music can be timeless and span across a large age range is amazing. People will argue that music was better in the 60's or the 70's. But I will always argue against that. The music that is being produced now is amazing. Perhaps not the most talented musicians that people have seen, but if half a billion people watch some 14 year old kid on youtube singing about the first time he fell in love, then fair enough...someone must like him.

Again, I seem to have suffered some sort of typing diarrhea and gone on about nothing to do with the title of the blog again...

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could have seen the NME Tour, what a sick line-up.

